Building a better future.
The Principal Charity Classic is committed to integrating sustainability into every aspect of our event. As one of the marquee events in Des Moines, we understand our unique position in the marketplace to promote a sustainable event that has the potential to yield positive social and environmental outcomes for our community.

Key areas and highlights.
At the Principal Charity Classic, sustainability is at the forefront of our event planning. We focus on five key areas to guide our sustainability efforts: Planning and Communications, Procurement, Waste Reduction, Water Conservation, and Energy/Emissions Reduction.

Goal: Divert as much waste from the landfill as possible. Reach 40% waste diversion by 2025 and become a zero-waste tournament by 2032.
2024 Integration:
• Partnered with Iowa Waste Exchange to have a dedicated sorting team on-course to separate redeemable cans and bottles from nonredeemable items.
• Repurposed 500 lbs of mesh materials through Iowa Waste Exchange for weed barriers at the Federated Garden Club of Iowa.
• Initiated partnerships with new outlets and vendors to mitigate materials from entering the landfill.

Water conservation.
Goal: Monitor and manage water consumption for the tournament, identifying opportunities for water savings and implementing efficient water use practices.
2024 Integration:
• Installed water refill stations to reduce the need for single-use plastic bottles.
• Host Course, Wakonda Club, upgraded onsite irrigation system to target specific location watering, reducing water usage during tournament week and year-round.
• Monitored year over year water consumption from the host course during the exclusive use period that the tournament operates.

Energy/Emissions reduction.
Goal: Reduce our energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, reduce emissions 30% by 2027 from a 2022 baseline and ultimately achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
2024 Integration:
• Utilized an energy storage system from Sunbelt to power fans on-course.
• Increased the use of electric golf carts where possible to reduce gasoline and diesel usage.
• Partnered with MidAmerican Energy to retire Renewable Energy Certificates for the tournament and provide 88.5% clean energy from Iowa wind farms to local customers, including Wakonda Club.

Program support systems.

Principal has pledged to be responsible stewards and mitigate their impact on the planet, helping to build a more inclusive and resilient world. Principal has long-term climate goals and plans to address climate change, committing to a 65% reduction in GHG emissions for scope 1 and market-based scope 2 by 2034 and net zero emissions by 2050.

Golf, deeply connected to natural environments, recognizes its responsibility in environmental stewardship. The PGA TOUR emphasizes sustainability through initiatives that reduce environmental impact and promote community resilience. This commitment is reflected in their strategic pillars focused on leadership, climate action, purpose-driven partnerships, and promotion of nature.

City of Des Moines
The City of Des Moines is dedicated to addressing climate change and enhancing resilience within our community.
ADAPT DSM: Des Moines’ Climate Action Plan
The City of Des Moines has developed a communitywide climate action and adaptation plan known as ADAPT DSM. The plan aims to achieve significant goals: a 28% reduction in emissions from 2008 levels by 2025, a 45% reduction from 2010 levels by 2030, 100% 24/7 carbon free electricity citywide by 2035, and net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.2

Golf Environment Organization (GEO)
The Golf Environment Organization (GEO) plays a crucial role in advancing sustainability within golf tournaments worldwide. It provides a framework for implementing sustainable operational practices and sets international standards for environmental and social sustainability in golf.