You Donate. We Match. All for Iowa kids.
Along with our Tournament Charity Partners, registered Birdies For Charity organizations benefit from funds raised through the Principal Charity Classic. Birdies for Charity gives Iowa 501(c)(3) charities, and schools, with a mission that includes a focus on Iowa youth from birth to 23 years of age the opportunity to use the Principal Charity Classic, an official PGA TOUR Champions event, as a fundraising platform.
When you donate through the Birdies For Charity program, the participating charity of your choice will receive every penny you pledge PLUS a guaranteed eight percent match.
The match is made possible with support from our lead program sponsor Sammons Financial Group.
How it works
You donate $100
We match guaranteed 8%
(up to 10% with bonus earned)
Organization of your choice receives guaranteed $108

Participating is Easy!
- The program is open to Iowa based 501(c)(3) charities, and schools, with a mission that includes a focus on Iowa youth from birth to 23 years of age.
- Apply with the Principal Charity Classic and we’ll provide the materials and information you need to get started.
- Solicit donations – host a fundraiser, ask donors, sponsors, friends, and family!
- Submit donations to the Principal Charity Classic by the pledge deadlines.
- You receive 100% of pledges submitted for your organization, plus a guaranteed 8% match, with the opportunity for a bonus 2%.
Program Incentives
Increasing Awareness of Your Charity and Your Cause
Birdies for Charity is a non-profit program under the Principal Charity Classic. This program is designed to help raise new funds for local charities and schools, engage the community in the tournament, and provide matching funds for each charity involved.
Birdies for Charity Bonus
Each organization that raises money through Birdies for Charity will receive a fixed 8% match on all donations made into the program. Organizations are given the opportunity to earn an additional 2% bonus match on all donations by sharing information about the Birdies for Charity program and promoting their participation. The maximum bonus per charity is $12,500 in total matching funds, which would equal 10% of $125,000 in donations collected. There is a $800,000 maximum match for the entire program that will be met on a first-come, first-served basis. We will notify charities if we reach that total maximum fundraising amount.
2025 Participating Charities
Adaptive Sports Iowa
Avenue Scholars Des Moines
Blank Children’s Hospital
Broadlawns Medical Center Foundation
Can Play
Clive Community Services
Dental Connections
Des Moines Metro Opera
Des Moines Youth Hockey Association
Easterseals Iowa
First Tee — Central Iowa
Forest Avenue Outreach
Friends of Des Moines Parks
Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden
Healthy Birth Day Inc. / Count the Kicks
Horizon Science Academy Des Moines
Iowa FFA Foundation
Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates (iJAG)
Iowa PGA Foundation
Kids First Law Center
Mentor Iowa
Miracle Travel Works, Inc.
No Foot Too Small
Pinky Swear Foundation
Raising Readers in the Heartland
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Iowa
Southeast Polk Education Foundation, Inc.
The Build Lincoln Higher Booster Club, Inc.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Variety – the Children’s Charity
Winterset Community Educational Foundation
Anawim Housing
Ballet Des Moines
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Iowa
By Degrees Foundation
Children’s Cancer Connection
Cradling New Life
Des Moines Area Religious Council (DMARC)
Des Moines Public School Foundation
Dowling Catholic High School
Ethnic Minorities of Burma Advocacy and Resource Center of Iowa
Folds of Honor Iowa
Foundation for the Iowa City Community School District
Genesis Youth Foundation
Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity
Heartland Youth Choir
Hoyt Sherman Place Foundation
Iowa Healthiest State Initiative
Iowa Mediation Service
Iowa SIDS Foundation
Lutheran Services in Iowa
MercyOne House of Mercy
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD IA)
Norwalk Easter Public Library Foundation
Prevent Blindness Iowa
Rebuilding Together Greater Des Moines
Safer Families for Children, Iowa
Special Olympics Iowa
The Civic Music Association
Theodore Roosevelt High School Foundation
West Des Moines Community Schools Foundation
YMCA of Greater Des Moines
ASAP, the After School Arts Program
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa
Bravo Greater Des Moines
Camp Fire Heart of Iowa
Des Moines Community Playhouse
Des Moines Valley Golf Educational Fund
Dubuque Museum of Art
Fi and Friends
Food Bank of Iowa
FreeStore, Inc.
Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa
Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundation
Homes of Oakridge Human Services
Iowa College Access Network
Iowa Heart Foundation
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation
Junior Achievement of Central Iowa
Meals from the Heartland
MercyOne Des Moines Foundation
On With Life
Quakerdale Family Services/Wolfe Ranch
Rhythms of Grace Equine Therapy
Science Center of Iowa
The Actuarial Foundation
The IOWA (Impactful Opportunities with Athletes) Foundation
Tori’s Angels Foundation
Wildwood Hills Ranch
Young Women’s Resource Center
Thank you to our program sponsors.