Volunteer questions answered.
We’ve put together some commonly asked questions to give you more information about the volunteer experience with the Principal Charity Classic.
Volunteer FAQs
Volunteers can select the shipping option during registration or uniforms can be picked up in person during our volunteer kickoff party in early May.
All shipped uniforms will be sent out in early May.
You may exchange your uniform on-course starting Wednesday of tournament week. We can’t guarantee that your needed size will be available to exchange.
We ask that volunteers wear black, gray, or tan/khaki pants, skorts, or appropriate length shorts.
Volunteers must be at least 13 years of age at the time of the tournament, any volunteer under the age of 16 we ask to have a parent or guardian accompany or volunteer along side them. If you are registering a volunteer under the age of 16 please reach out to your committee chair once assigned to coordinate scheduling.
Some positions have differing minimum age requirements. Check committee descriptions here
Volunteer credentials will be distributed with uniforms. If you are unable to pick up at the scheduled times you will be able to pick up when you arrive to Wakonda Club for your first shift.
Credentials will be used to check in and out of your scheduled volunteer shifts. Please display your volunteer credential at all times during your shift(s).
If you choose to enjoy the tournament as a spectator your volunteer credential will serve as your admission onto tournament grounds.
Volunteers will park in spectator/volunteer parking downtown, when using GPS navigation, use 830 6th Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50309, to be directed to the parking area. Upon arrival guests will be directed by posted road signage.
Shuttles will transport volunteers to the main course entrance off Watrous Ave. Shuttles will run on a continuous basis beginning at various times each day and ending approximately one hour after the final event of the day concludes.
Volunteer orientation is held via Teams.
Watch your email after registration for information on dates and times.
Volunteer Headquarters (VHQ) is where volunteers go to get food, refreshments, sunscreen, bug spray, and more!
We ask that you work a minimum of two (2) shifts over the course of the tournament. Typically shifts range from 4-6 hours.
Registered volunteers will receive an email from the TrustEvent system when they have been assigned to a committee. Volunteers are also able to log in and view their committee assignment. Please log in using the username and password you created during registration.
Your committee chairperson will reach out at the beginning of May with shift scheduling.
Committee chairpersons will begin scheduling shifts at the beginning of May. Registered volunteers will receive an email from the TrustEvent system when they have been assigned to a shift. Volunteers are also able to log in and view their committee assignment, shift schedule and update availability or information. Please log in using the username and password you created during registration.
We will make every effort to accommodate your scheduling requests. Make sure to list your request in the “Work with or Committee Selection” portion of the registration process. Shift coordinating is only applicable within each committee (i.e. two people on different committees can’t be scheduled to work together at the same time).
Yes! Food, snacks, and beverages will be provided at Volunteer Headquarters on days you volunteer. We ask that you do not eat inside Volunteer Headquarters on days you are not volunteering.
Yes. Your volunteer credential will serve as your admission pass for the entire week and we encourage you to use it. We do ask that you not wear your uniform when not on duty, so please bring a change of clothes if you plan to spectate before or after your shift.
The event will go on, and we will need your help! Make sure to report to your committee’s check-in location 15-20 minutes prior to your shift, rain or shine. Any weather delays or cancellations will be communicated to you via email or directly from your committee chair at the golf course.